Jookbeard " ..all are welcome though, there is a good mix here"
The Rebel:- " Agreed, but posts do offer direction which challenges a posters thinking, and because we all don't agree words can become more yelling emotional rants !! rather than " why don't you try to see it my way?
I will be honest I didn't come to any conclusion being involved in a debate on this forum, I am not interested in posts that basically say " my point of view is the greatest, you are wrong". But I did spend many hours evaluating the comments made on challenging O.P s, and I found I couldn't justify and clarify my beliefs on that debate. Therefore I concluded my beliefs were not debatable. That's not to say on this board believers and unbelievers can't mix, Perry, Compound & Complex and remember Mouthy? These are testimonies of those that are believers and can defend and be respected for their beliefs. But my point is many believers who come here are more neurotic and fragile in their beliefs, and they can leave here as lost as they arrived.
i really do appreciate my age, my circumstances that allowed my beliefs on God to be challenged, had I been in different circumstances I think I could easily have been a poster who didn't benefit from that. my point is? Being right about some things whilst important, isn't really the most important thing, not unless you are always right.
The Rebel.